Search code examples

Controller not receiving from Upvote link

I'm trying to use an Upvote function in conjunction with the acts_as_votable gem. The problem that I'm having with it is that when I hover on the Upvote link I can see that the is not given to the URL preview, and then sure enough when I click Upvote the error message tells me:

Couldn't find Comment with 'id'=#

The comments loop in my views looks like this:

 <div class="box">
 <% @comment.each do |w| %>
      <td><b><%= w.title %></b></td><br>
      <td><%= w.location %></td><br>
      <td><%= w.body %></td><br> 
      <%= link_to "upvote", like_comment_path(@comment), method: :put 
  <% end %>

And my CommentsController:

def upvote
  @comment = Comment.find(params[:id])
  @comment.upvote_by current_user
  redirect_to comments_path

And my config/routes:

resources :comments do
  member do
    put "like", to: "comments#upvote"
    put "dislike", to: "comments#downvote"

This feels like it should be something very simple, but I just can't figure out why the id is not given, so help would be much appreciated :-)


  • I assume your @comment is a collection on comments. If so then you should rename your @comment variable to @comments and iterate through the @comments collection in your view like this :

    <div class="box">
     <% @comments.each do |comment| %>
          <td><b><%= comment.title %></b></td><br>
          <td><%= comment.location %></td><br>
          <td><%= comment.body %></td><br> 
          <%= link_to "upvote", like_comment_path(comment), method: :put 
      <% end %>

    As you can see you can create a link_to update your comment item like this : <%= link_to "upvote", like_comment_path(comment), method: :put