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Google Trend Crawler: CSV writing issues

Below code is Google Trend Crawler that uses unofficical API from "". My code runs fine but one problem is that no one knows the limit to Google Trend Crawler. So if I run my Crawler with List of 2000 or more "DNA", then I have error saying I have exceeded the request limit. If I have gone over the limit, all of my crawled data before the limit will be lost since I am writing to csv at the end of the code. Is there a way to write my data to csv for every loop, so even though I pass the limit, at least I have the data before the limit was reached? Thanks

from pytrends.request import TrendReq
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import time
import xlsxwriter

pytrends = TrendReq(hl='en-US,tz=360')
Data = pd.DataFrame()

#for loop check writer path
path = "C:/Users/aijhshin/Workk/GoogleTrendCounter.txt"
#file = open(path,"a") 

#setting index using 'apple' keyword 
kw_list = ['apple']
pytrends.build_payload(kw_list, cat=0, timeframe='today 5-y', geo='', gprop='')
Googledate = pd.DataFrame(pytrends.interest_over_time())
Data['Date'] = Googledate.index

#Google Trend Crawler limit = 1600 request per day
for i in range(len(DNA)):
    kw_list = [DNA[i]]
    pytrends.build_payload(kw_list, cat=0, timeframe='today 5-y', geo='', gprop='')

    df = pd.DataFrame(pytrends.interest_over_time())
    if(df.empty == True):         
        Data[DNA[i]] = ""  
    else:                         = 'Date'
        Data[DNA[i]] = df.loc[:, DNA[i]]

    #test for loop process 
    file = open(path,"a")
    file.write(str(i) + " " + str( + " ")
    file.write(DNA[i] +'\n')

    #run one per nine second (optional)

    #writing csv file (overwrite each time)
    Data.to_csv('Google Trend.csv')

print("Crawling Done")


  • Move Data.to_csv('Google Trend.csv') after time.sleep(9) and change it's mode to a

    Data.to_csv('Google Trend.csv', mode='a')

    The mode a will append to the end of your csv file rather than overwriting it.