I have a rails application and I am using omniAuth to authorise Facebook login and my problem is that Facebook did not return emails.
Here is the data:
ruby '2.1.7'
Graph API V2.5
I have both gems'omniauth'and'omniauth-facebook'installed. is there a specific gem version for 'omniauth' and 'omniauth-facebook' that I should install ?
In my config.omniauth I added
info_fields: 'email
but unfortunately I am still facing the same issue.
I tried these below solutions but none of them worked for me
why facebook email is not retrieved?
I added as well the email as well when calling this function
FB.api('/me?fields=name, email', function(response) {
'Thanks for logging in, ' + response.email + '!';
FYI: I am testing the application with real users whom address emails were verified and when connecting to Facebook I am entering the address email not the phone number.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Try to check koala gem you can specify the version and fields you want to return.