I've looked in the pharo book and I couldn't see any examples of every:aDuration do:aBlock
. I found a Timespan
class which when ran does give an error when the object is created and the method is called.
plan := Timespan new.
plan start.
" save the file every 30s"
every:30 seconds do:[ Transcript show:'My message']
Timespan's every:do: doesn't schedule events. You might try forking a background process with a Delay to do that.
I have only Squeak handy at the moment, but it should be more or less the same.
Something like this:
planProcess := [
[ 30 seconds asDelay wait.
Transcript show: 'Saved (but not really)'; cr.
] repeat.
] fork.
To end the process:
planProcess terminate.
There's also a Scheduler you could use for this.