i’m working on the wordpress and buddypress. I was easily implemented the multilingual for wordpress but it’s really very hard to implement for buddypress.
I gone through most of the forums, most of the people said buddypress multiligual plugin only works for Wordpress Multisite. Is it any way to enable the multilingual for buddypress or already any plugin exists for this task??
I tried the buddypress multilingual lpugin too. But it's not supporting!! Please leave your suggestions!
I had the same problem some weeks ago. I'm sorry but you've three options:
Make it multilingual only the labels and not the post (that can be easy done modifying your wp-config.php to get the GET parameter and loading the needed file of location:
if ( isset($_GET['lan']) && $_GET['lan'] == 'es') define ('WPLANG', 'es_ES');
The problem with that is you only get located the labels of the website and not the content, obviously, but I think in a community like Buddypress almost all the content is generated by the user so they will write it in his language and you don't have to worry about translate it. (is like Facebook, labels of the site translated but not the content).
Sorry for my bad english, I'm Spanish but I hope you understand it.