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React-native dynamically generated TouchableHighlight with image

I have a form which the user can select one of three options for membership. I an render the screen correctly but the button toggle isn't working. When I click on the other buttons the tick still stays on the first option. Here is my code

<View style={styles.mainview}>
            renderRow={(rowData) =>
              <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this.toggleOneYear(, rowData.i)} style={styles.registerButton} underlayColor='#ffffff'>
                <View style={styles.detailBoxTick}>
                  {renderIf(rowData.i == 1)(
                    <Image style={styles.imageTickStyle} source={this.state.payoneyear ? Images.rememberTickImg : Images.rememberUnTickImg} />
                  {renderIf(rowData.i == 2)(
                    <Image style={styles.imageTickStyle} source={this.state.paytwoyear ? Images.rememberTickImg : Images.rememberUnTickImg} />
                  {renderIf(rowData.i == 3)(
                    <Image style={styles.imageTickStyle} source={this.state.paythreeyear ? Images.rememberTickImg : Images.rememberUnTickImg} />
                  <Text style={styles.tickBoxText}>
                    {rowData.card_duration} years Membership ${rowData.price}

toggleOneYear(id, counter) {

    if (counter == 1) {
      console.log('counter ', counter)
      console.log('payoneyear ', this.state.payoneyear)
          payoneyear: true,
          paytwoyear: false,
          paythreeyear: false
      console.log('payoneyear ', this.state.payoneyear)
    else if (counter == 2) {
      console.log('counter ', counter)
      console.log('payoneyear ', this.state.paytwoyear)
          payoneyear: false,
          paytwoyear: true,
          paythreeyear: false
      console.log('paytwoyear ', this.state.paytwoyear)
    else if (counter == 3) {
      console.log('counter ', counter)
          payoneyear: false,
          paytwoyear: false,
          paythreeyear: true

What am I doing wrong in the above code? can some one please help. thanks in advance


  • It looks like you need to update the dataSource with new rowData. I guess you are trying to increment rowData.i with each touchableHighlight onPress?

    The 3rd parameter of renderRow is rowID. We will need this to know which row we need to update. You can pass it to toggleOneYear or put the following in TouchableHighlight onPress:

      var newArray = this.state.db.slice();
      newArray[rowID] = {
        // increment i, keep between 1-3
        i: newArray[rowID].i + 1 > 3 ? 1 : newArray[rowID].i + 1,
          dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(newArray),
          db: newArray,

    I'm unsure what your intentions are with the payxxxyear state variables as those are only 3 properties and you are rendering list data so I assume you have many TouchableHighlights that will be using same state. Seems it should probably use data source state instead?

    BTW, ListView has been deprecated in latest RN versions.