I need help because I have a problem of execution of my code. In my database I store a multiple select like an array with this format : ["5","6","7","8"] I use json_encode to store my array.
I have a form with select multiple (https://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-duallistbox).
This input is fill with datas of an table. So this is the list on the left who is filled.
I would like to fill the list on the right with my datas stored in database. To do this I have to put selected to each option corresponding. But I have no idea to do this ... I think I use double foreach with an if condition but....
Some code to explain this:
Table with all options saved :
Table name : weddings
Fields : id, title
Table with selected options saved
Table name : steps
Fields : id, participants => this field has the number of weddings.id like ["5","6","7","8"]
To fill my select list, I do this
<select multiple="multiple" id="participants" class="form-control" name="participants[]">
@foreach ($weddings as $wedding)
<option value="{{ $wedding->id }}" >{{ $wedding->title }} </option>
To retrieve data from steps I do this
foreach(json_decode($step->participants) as $k => $v){
echo '<option value="'.$v.'" selected>'.$v.'</option>';
Because I need to put 'selected' on an option, this one go to the right list.
How can I combine the 2 foreach to "selected" the value store in my steps table with weddings table ?
I hope you understand me.
Thank you very much.
PS : I use Laravel
Try this, and most importantly understand it !
// select all participants
// for example lets say you got this from your database
$data = '["5","7","9","2"]';
// now decode it
$data = json_decode($data);
$weddings = [];
// convert values to integers
foreach($data as $key => $value)
$weddings[$key] = (Int) $value;
// create select input
$input = '<select>';
foreach($weddings as $id)
// lets say you want wedding id 5 to be selected
// all you have to do is add an If statement and that's it !
if($id === 5) {
// this is wedding id 5 !
$input .= '<option value="'.$id.'" selected>'.$id.'</option>';
} else if ($id === 7) {
// do something with wedding id 7 ?
$input .= '<option value="'.$id.'" class="number7">'.$id.'</option>';
} else {
$input .= '<option value="'.$id.'">'.$id.'</option>';
// close select input tag
$input .= '</select>';
echo $input;