I am very new to prolog, so assume that I know very little terminology. I am using swipl in SWI-prolog.
I want to check if a string starts with a left squiggly bracket('{') and ends with a right squiggly bracket('}'}
Some answers that I have read online have lead me to program the following into my knowledge base to check if the string starts with a left squiggly bracket.
Letter = '{'.
But when I run this function, I get false, when I expect it to return true.
?- start_left_squiggle('{hello').
As well, answers that seem correct for checking the if the last character is a squiggly bracket have lead me to code the following.
last_char(str, X):-
name(S, N),
reverse(N, [F|_]),
name(X, [F]).
last_char(Werd, Last),
Last = '}'.
And I again get false when running the function, when I expect it to return true.
?- end_right_squiggle('hello}').
First thing you need to do is to break the atom into list of characters like this:
atom_chars(H,X), %here x is a list
X = [L|_], %get the head of the list which is frist element an compare
L == '{'.
You can use a recursive definition to check righ side of the atom
after converting the atom into list of characters and when length of the list is 1
then compare it with bracket , it means if last element is same you should get true
otherwise False
Right is like this, it's same but we need last element so we have to use recursion:
atom_chars(H,X), %here x is a list
H == '}'.
NewY is Y -1,