def initials(text): result=bla bla bla return result
text=input("Please enter your text") initials(text)
So here is the list of tasks we will do:
Split the sentence into a list of words - step 1
Get the first letter from each word in upper case - step 2
Join them in this format: {letter}. {another-letter} - step 3
Return the value and print it - step 4
I've marked each step in the code comments
So lets go:
my_word = "stack overflow" # < Change this to any word you'd like
def get_initials(input_word):
result = input_word.split() # step - 1
final_result = ""
for word in result: # loop through our word list
first_letter = word[0].upper() # step - 2
final_result += first_letter + '. ' # step - 3, join
So basically get the first letter with word[0]
and add it to the final_result variable using +=
and also add an additional ". "(a dot with a space)
each time, as per requirements
return final_result # step - 4, return
print ( get_initials(my_word) ) # and finally step - 4, print
Hope this helped :)