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Django taggit integration with frontend (auto-complete and auto-suggest)

I'm looking for a django app that provides a form-filed with taggit integration and a front end JS tagging library as mentioned here: jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags?

Do I have to implement this myself or is there an existing django app that integrates django-taggit with a front-end tagging library.

Ideally I would want auto-suggest and auto-complete. Admin integration would be nice.

This will be useful for others too since every body wants SO like tagging or more advanced tagging.


  • I found the following options for implementing auto-complete in django-taggit.

    Some of these libraries seem to be old and broken on the latest django versions.

    I also found an alternative library to django-taggit called django-tagulous which has auto-complete integrated.

    Note: It doesn't have Django 1.11 support yet in the main branch.

    A nice bonus is it uses Select2 JS library and has admin integration.