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Calculating distance is very slow

I am working on a web app that shows users events near them. I have the below code that works but it is very slow in giving results. I was wondering if there is anyway I can make it faster. It currently takes about 3 secs just to calculate the distance of 5 events. Here is my code snippet.

def events():

    events = Post.query.filter_by(event=True, trivia=False, approved=True, featured=False).order_by(Post.datetime.asc()).all()

    geolocator = Nominatim()

    if current_user.state_1 != None:
        res_state = current_user.state_1
        res_state = ','

    user_city = geolocator.geocode(current_user.city_1 + ' ' + res_state + ' ' + current_user.residence)

    user_city = (user_city.latitude, user_city.longitude)

    events_near = []

    for event in events:
        if event.address_2 != None:
            address_2 = event.address_2+','
            address_2 = ','

        if event.state != None:
            state = event.state+','
            state = ','

        if event.zip_code != None:
            zip_code = event.zip_code+'.'
            zip_code = '.'

        location = geolocator.geocode(event.address_1+',' + ' ' + address_2 + ' ' +',' + ' ' + state + ' ' + zip_code + ' ' + )
        location = (location.latitude, location.longitude)

        distance = geopy.distance.vincenty(user_city, location).miles

        if distance < dist:

        return render_template('events.html', events_near=events_near)

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


  • For someone looking to not use the module OP used:

    I have worked with one which seems slightly faster: pygeocoder. Sample code is thus:

    from pygeocoder import Geocoder
    result = Geocoder.geocode("4207 N Washington Ave, Douglas, AZ 85607")
    coords = result.coordinates
    print(coords) # outputs the (lat, long) of the address as a tuple

    I hope anybody looking to use this is helped!