I'm trying to setup the Ambari agent in each node in my cluster and it works fine for almost all my nodes unless one, when I try to retray the Ambari wizard to fix the problem for this one I get this error:
Running setup agent script...
Command start time 2017-12-01 14:52:13
Server error attempting a GET to /rhsm/ returned status 503
Repository HDP-UTILS- is listed more than once in the configuration
sed: can't read /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini: No such file or
directory('', None)
So obviously this error means therer is no ambari-agent installed in this machine,
so I verified if the agent is installed or not with "yum repolist ambari-agent" it replays that the service is already installed
and when I tried to install "yum install ambari-agent", I could not, also there is No directory called /etc/ambari-agent/
I thought about reinstall the ambari agent for this node but I m not sure if this is going to be the good decision.
what should I do??
Removing the agent then reinstalling the agent should resolve the issue. The following commands (run on the node that is failing to register) should achieve that:
sudo yum remove ambari-agent
sudo yum install ambari-agent
You should then be able to retry the installation in the Ambari UI using the cluster setup wizard.