I have an assignment to make a Fahrenheit to Clesius calculator and to use the try and except ValueError
function but I can't enter a wrong value more than once or it crashes. I want the user to enter a number and not letters. This is how my code looks now
print("Hej och välkommen till Fahrenheit omvandlaren")
Fahrenheit = (input("Vänligen ange grader i Fahrenheit: "))
test = float(Fahrenheit)
except ValueError:
Fahrenheit = (input("Vänligen ange ett tal!"))
Celsius = (float(Fahrenheit)-32)*5/9
print(Fahrenheit, "Fahernheit är lika med",(round(Celsius,2)),"grader Celsius")
I'm new to programming in general and would appreciate if you can explain in a simple way how to make it possible to enter strings multiple times without having the program crashing
You can could put the input in a loop:
while True:
fahrenheit = (input("Vänligen ange grader i Fahrenheit: "))
test = float(fahrenheit)
except ValueError: