I have a class that takes in an IMapper
in the constructor like this
public Foo(IMapper mapper)
In the code for Foo I have this line
var dao = _mapper.Map<BaseDAO>(obj);
has 3 subtypes that in the real code I have set up like this
CreateMap<Base, BaseDAO>()
.Include<Child1, Child1DAO>()
.Include<Child2, Child2DAO>()
.Include<Child3, Child3DAO>();
I would like to mock out the above line
var dao = _mapper.Map<BaseDAO>(obj);
so that if a Child1
is passed in then a Child1DAO
will be returned and the same for the other subtypes. I tried to stub out IMapper
but the following method returns an error saying that
Child1DAO cannot be implicitly converted to a TDestination
and I tried to mock out IMapper
but could not get that to work either.
public TDestination Map<TDestination>(object source)
return new Child1DAO();
Any ideas?
For the purposes of this example, assume the following class is the subject under test
public class Foo {
private IMapper mapper;
public Foo(IMapper mapper) {
this.mapper = mapper;
public BaseDAO Bar(object obj) {
var dao = mapper.Map<BaseDAO>(obj);
return dao;
Where the IMapper
dependency has the following contract defined
public interface IMapper {
/// <summary>
/// Execute a mapping from the source object to a new destination object.
/// The source type is inferred from the source object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TDestination">Destination type to create</typeparam>
/// <param name="source">Source object to map from</param>
/// <returns>Mapped destination object</returns>
TDestination Map<TDestination>(object source);
The following test demonstrates, using moq,
Mock IMapper Returning Derived Classes where Base Expected
public class TestClass {
public void _TestMethod() {
var mock = new Mock<IMapper>();
var foo = new Foo(mock.Object);
//setup the mocked function
.Setup(_ => _.Map<BaseDAO>(It.IsAny<object>()))
//fake/stub what mocked function should return given provided arg
.Returns((object arg) => {
if (arg != null && arg is Child1)
return new Child1DAO();
if (arg != null && arg is Child2)
return new Child2DAO();
if (arg != null && arg is Child3)
return new Child3DAO();
return null;
var child1 = new Child1();
var actual = foo.Bar(child1);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(BaseDAO));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(Child1DAO));