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Is there a tag like verbatim, except you can set it to dirty?

What I would like is something like following:

out.println("<span id='test'>Data</span>");

I would like the out.println code to be rerun by ajax. However, when I set that form to dirty, the out.println is not rerun.

Is there a way around this, short of using a custom tag?

What I need is a tag, like

<f:writeAsHTML value="#{bean.HTMLproducer}"/>

Is there already a tag like that in myfaces or basic JSF?


  • Just put it in f:verbatim without that scriptlet

        <span id="test">Data</span>

    Or just print it plain (only possible on JSF 1.2 or newer)

    <span id="test">Data</span>

    Or use h:outputText since it renders a <span> anyway

    <h:outputText id="test" value="Data" />

    Or use h:outputText escape="false" if the HTML comes from a bean property

    <h:outputText value="#{bean.html}" escape="false" />

    As per your functional requirement which reads like

    I would like the out.println code to be rerun by ajax

    The problem needs to be solved elsewhere. Are you using JSF 1.x or 2.x? Regardless, you should utilize JSF-provided Ajax components like RichFaces' Ajax4jsf components or JSF 2.0's <f:ajax> components which offers a render attribute to trigger re-rendering of JSF components.