I've written a Postgres function which involves inserting records in tables. It takes a few arguments as input.
name character varying,
email character varying,
level integer,
company_id integer,
comp_list integer[])
I have a CSV which has columns that match the input arguments of the function. How do I feed the CSV as list of input and call the function?
The database lives in RDS instance of AWS. So I don't have superuser
permission to copy the file to a temp table. file_fdw
is also not an option since this extension is not supported by Amazon RDS.
According to COPY
syntax you need a table to import data from a CSV file. Use a temporary table to buffer the data from a file, e.g.:
do $$
create temp table temp (
name character varying,
email character varying,
level integer,
company_id integer,
comp_list integer[]);
copy temp from 'c:\data\test.csv' (format csv, header);
perform add_person(name, email, level, company_id, comp_list)
from temp;
drop table temp;
Alternatively, you can use the extension file_fdw,
create extension if not exists file_fdw;
create server csv_server foreign data wrapper file_fdw;
create foreign table csv_file (
name character varying,
email character varying,
level integer,
company_id integer,
comp_list integer[]
) server csv_server
options (filename 'c:\data\test.csv', format 'csv', header 'on');
select add_person(name, email, level, company_id, comp_list)
from csv_file;