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Maya Python mass .obj import how to turn off obj import warning?

Hey I am importing a list of files into a maya scene via python.

Each time a .obj is imported maya gives me following warning:

Warning: Option "Use legacy vertex order" will only take effect when option "Multiple Objects" is enabled.

My question: Is it possible to turn off this warning? Or a way to to not show the warning in the first place?

edit: The problem is that this warning will show up on each and every file that gets imported from the list. I added a screenshot from maya.

enter image description here

I am loading the files like this:

cmds.file(filePath, i = True)

edit2: Here is my function that loops through files in a directory.

def loadFiles(*args):
# load References into scene from savefile

files = 'c:/testfolder'

if os.path.exists(files):

    filesInFolder = [f for f in listdir(files) if isfile(join(files, f))]

    for file in filesInFolder:

        filePath = files + '/' + file
        #cmds.file(filePath, i = True)
        mel.eval("catchQuiet(`python(\"cmds.file(filePath, i=True)\")`)")

        #print filePath

Thank you for your time and have a nice day!


  • Maya has a function called catchQuiet which is the easiest way of suppressing warning/error messages. If the expression throws an error, it will return 1 otherwise 0.

    catchQuiet(python("cmds.file(\"/drive/myfile.obj\", i=True)"))

    Unfortunately this function does only exist in mel but you could wrap it in python by using maya.cmds.mel to execute it.

    Python Wrapper

    The Python variant looks a little nasty, but that should work.

    mel.eval("catchQuiet(`python(\"cmds.file('/drive/myfile.obj', i=1)\")`)")