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XML Validation options other than XSD

We have XSD file we give our clients for XML validation. This is a common XSD file for different XMLs from different teams. I am trying to find out if there are better ways for XML validation other than using XSD. It is difficult to maintain as we have multiple teams using the same XSD and one team making changes to the XSD shouldn't affect the other teams


  • Other XML Validation Options

    There are, of course, XML validation standards other than XSD: DTD, RelaxNG, Schematron...

    Real Problem

    However, seeking a technical solution to an imprecisely described organization problem is misguided. An XML schema (of any sort) is a tool for describing and communicating XML vocabularies and grammars. To expect that

    one team making changes to the XSD shouldn't affect the other teams

    is to deny a fundamental reason for creating an XML schema: communication of agreement over XML vocabulary and grammar design.

    First define your organizational control problem. Then ask how technical solutions might support your targeted structure. Conflating the two is no way to approach the challenge.

    See Also