Is there any solution except redoing all the work? this is my project working just fine inside Adobe Animate (ctrl+enter) working fine
and here when published(.swf), it goes into a loop not working
Now i came to know that i should have done it on multiple layers, but it works fine inside Adobe so why wouldn't it work outside? is there any solution besides redoing the work? Thanks.
Looking at your screenshot, I see you using FlashPlayer 8 to run your published SWF. Adobe Animate by default will output to the latest version of flash (currently 26+) which will include things that will not work on the very old Flash Player 8.
Try updating your stand-alone flash player (or browser plugins) to the latest version (or at least a version that matches your output in Animate).
To change the targeted flash version of your program, go to the publish settings (Ctrl+Shift+F12 or File -> Publish Settings) and change the target to a version that matches or is less than your version of the stand-alone flash player being used.