I have a .csv file as the attached image which has a list of folders and files . I would like to read the .csv file and recreate the same folder structure under different folder.
Say for example I have C:\Data\SourceFolder\Folder2\Folder4\File1.txt , I would like the file to be moved to C:\Data\FilesCopiedfromC\SourceFolder\Folder2\Folder4\File1.txt . In the above destinaton path , the C:\Data\FilesCopiedfromC is going to be the same always . I am able to create the folder structure in the destination but when I do the file.move from source to destination I get a "File cannot be created when it already exists error".
string inputfile = textBox1.Text.ToString();
using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inputfile))
string headerline = reader.ReadLine();
Boolean firstline = true;
string line = string.Empty;
string SourceFileNameCSV;
string SourceFilePathCSV,totalSourceFilePath, strConstructedDestinationfullpath;
string[] parts;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
char[] delimiters = new char[] { ',' };
parts= line.Split(delimiters);
if (parts.Length > 0)
SourceFilePathCSV = parts[0];
SourceFileNameCSV = parts[1];
totalSourceFilePath = SourceFilePathCSV + "\\" + SourceFileNameCSV;
strDestinationDynamicPath = SourceFilePathCSV.Replace("C:\\Data\\", " ").TrimEnd();
strConstructedDestinationfullpath = Path.Combine(strDestinationStaticPath, strDestinationDynamicPath);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConstructedDestinationfullpath))
if (!Directory.Exists(strDestinationDynamicPath))
// File.Move(totalSourceFilePath, strConstructedDestinationfullpath);
Any help is appreciated.
It's because, apparently, the file already exists in the destination. What you can do is check if the file exists an delete if so:
if (System.IO.File.Exists("filename"))
System.IO.File.Delete("filename"); //try/catch exception handling
needs to be implemented