Following a similar question, I have a problem where I need to predict many steps ahead of 3 different time series. I managed to generate a network that given the past 7 values of 3 time series as input, predicts 5 future values for one of them. The input x
has these dimensions:
(500, 7, 3): 500 samples, 7 past time steps, 3 variables/time series)
The target y
has these dimensions:
(500, 5): 500 samples, 5 future time steps
The LSTM network is defined as:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(input_dim=3, output_dim=10, return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(input_dim=10, output_dim=7))
model.compile(loss='mae', optimizer='adam')
What if now I want to predict the values of 2 time series?
I tried the following code:
inputs = Input(shape=(7,3)) # 7 past steps and variables
m = Dense(64,activation='linear')(inputs)
m = Dense(64,activation='linear')(m)
outputA = Dense(1,activation='linear')(m)
outputB = Dense(1,activation='linear')(m)
m = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputA, outputB])
m.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mae'),[y1,y2])
Where both y1
and y2
have the same dimensions as y
(500, 5). But I obtain the following error:
"Error when checking target: expected dense_4 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (500, 5)".
How should I reshape y1
and y2
? Or should I have a different structure for the network?
Following on the comment, in which I couldn't post readable code:
If you want to train your net on 2 output, keeping an architecture close to the one of the second net you posted, but using an LSTM, this should work:
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout, LSTM
inputs = Input(shape=(7,3)) # 7 past steps and variables
m = LSTM(10, return_sequences=True)(inputs)
m = Dropout(0.2)(m)
m = LSTM(50)(m)
m = Dropout(0.2)(m)
outputA = Dense(5, activation='linear')(m)
outputB = Dense(5, activation='linear')(m)
m = Model(inputs=[inputs], outputs=[outputA, outputB])
m.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mae'),[y1,y2])
Note that this architecture will give good results if the time dependencies in the 2 time series you are predicting are similar, since you will be using the same LSTM layers to process both and just split at the last layer, which will be doing a sort of fine tuning of the results for each time series. Another choice would be to use 2 net like the first one you proposed, but that would double the computational effort.
Yet another option is to have the LSTM output multiple values directly. The basic idea is to keep your first model with return_sequence=True
in the second LSTM layer. The problem here is that if you want to keep 7 time steps as input and get only 5 as output, you need to slice your tensor somewhere in between the first LSTM layer and the output layer, so that you reduce the output timesteps to 5. The problem is that there is no implemented slice
layer in keras. This is a custom layer that could work to slice. Also I'm not sure this architecture is valid, theoretically speaking.
One final note: instead of slicing you could transpose the layer, use a dense to reduce the desired dimension, and transpose back to the original dimensions, or similarly use Flatten -> Dense and reshape. Both this option will give you a valid architecture (meaning that keras will compile and fit), but in both cases you would be messing with the time dimension, which is not advisable.
Hope this help