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How to find inputs of dask.delayed task?

Given a dask.delayed task, I want to get a list of all the inputs (parents) for that task.

For example,

from dask import delayed

def inc(x):
    return x + 1

def inc_list(x):
    return [inc(n) for n in x]

task = delayed(sum)(inc_list([1,2,3]))
task.parents ???

Yields the following graph. How could I get the parents of sum#3 such that it yields a list of [inc#1, inc#2, inc#3]?

enter image description here


  • Delayed objects don't store references to their inputs, however you can get these back if you're willing dig into the task graph a bit and reconstruct Delayed objects manually.

    In particular you can index into the .dask attribute with the delayed objects' key

    >>> task.dask[task.key]
    (<function sum>,

    This shows the task definition (see Dask's graph specification)

    The 'inc-...' values are other keys in the task graph. You can get the dependencies using the dask.core.get_dependencies function

    >>> from dask.core import get_dependencies
    >>> get_dependencies(task.dask, task.key)

    And from here you can make new delayed objects if you wish

    >>> from dask.delayed import Delayed
    >>> parents = [Delayed(key, task.dask) for key in get_dependencies(task.dask, task.key)]