I am studying Ceylon and have question about it metamodel. I want to create some create some base class 'DataContainer' which allow to instantiate immutable classes with build-in equals-hash implementation: e.g. Identifier(125, "ab") == Identifier(125, "ab") So base class should collect all shared non-variable values and use this information in 'hash' an 'equals' methods. I have wrote this code:
shared abstract class DataContainer(ClassDeclaration declaration) {
value members = {
for (i in declaration.memberDeclarations<ValueDeclaration>())
if (!i.variable, i.name != "hash", i.name != "string") i
variable Integer? hashCode = null;
shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) {
if (is DataContainer that) {
for (item in members) {
value thisMember = item.memberGet(this);
value thatMember = item.memberGet(that);
if (exists thisMember, exists thatMember) {
if (thisMember != thatMember) { return false; }
} else if (thisMember exists != thatMember exists) { return false; }
return true;
return false;
shared actual Integer hash => hashCode else (hashCode = calculateHash());
Integer calculateHash() {
variable value result = 0;
for(i in members) {
if (exists member = i.memberGet(this)) {
result = result.xor(member.hash);
return result;
class Identifier(shared Integer? id, shared String? name) extends DataContainer(`class`) {}
The Identifier class is the client of DataContainer. I like this solution in whole but I have to pass 'class' into the super class constructor because if I use 'class' inside DataContainer it doesn't see any members of subclass. How can I obtain actual list of extended class's members in base class methods? Something like 'this' doesn't work...
I found solution thanks to guys from Ceylon community. The function classDeclaration(this) from ceylon.language.meta should be used instead of 'class'.
This is the final code:
shared abstract class DataContainer() {
variable Integer? _hash = null;
variable ValueDeclaration[]? _members = null;
shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) {
if (is DataContainer that) {
for (i in members) {
value thisMember = i.memberGet(this);
value thatMember = i.memberGet(that);
if (exists thisMember, exists thatMember) {
if (thisMember != thatMember) { return false; }
} else if (thisMember exists != thatMember exists) { return false; }
return true;
return false;
shared actual Integer hash => _hash else (_hash = calculateHash());
ValueDeclaration[] members => _members else (_members = [
for (i in classDeclaration(this).memberDeclarations<ValueDeclaration>())
if (!i.variable, i.name != "string", i.name != "hash") i
Integer calculateHash() {
variable Integer result = 0;
for (i in members) {
if (exists member = i.memberGet(this)) {
result = result.xor(member.hash);
return result;
class Identifier(shared Integer? number, shared String? name) extends DataContainer() {}