ajax 2.0
I've got a modalpopup extender that looks like this:
alt text
The actual modal popup is wrapped around a rounded corner extender to give it the nice curved look. Here is a simple snippet of code:
<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" CancelControlID="btnCancel" OkControlID="btnOk" TargetControlID="ibStartNow" PopupControlID="Panel2" PopupDragHandleControlID="PopupHeader" BackgroundCssClass="ModalPopupBG">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" style="display: none" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server">
<div class="ConfirmationPopup" style="text-align:center; margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;">
<div class="PopupHeader" id="PopupHeader">
Confirm Start Now<br />
<div class="PopupBody">
<br />
This will save the expense report header and allow
<br />
you to enter items into your expense report, are you sure?
<br />
<br />
<div class="Controls">
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnOk" runat="server" imageurl="~/images/ok.gif" CausesValidation="False" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnCancel" runat="server" imageurl="~/images/cancel.gif" />
<ajaxToolkit:RoundedCornersExtender ID="RoundedCornersExtender2" runat="server" TargetControlID="Panel3" Radius="6" Corners="All" BorderColor="#9BD1FA" Color="#377CB1">
The strange thing is on my local machine running IE8 it looks great, even on the server using firefox / chrome it looks great. But once it is on the server and I use IE8 it is no longer rounded it is basically a square.
It just doesn't make sense why locally using IE8 it works, but on the actual web server using IE8 it is no longer rounded, it looks like this:
alt text
My guess is you have probably moved on with this issue since this was so long ago but I stumbled across this which seems to work for me. It looks like the trick is, in addition to using two panels, set the back color of the container panel to Transparent