I have a simple DAO ns:
(ns alavita.dao
[clojure.tools.logging :as log ]
[clojure.java.io :as io ]
[org.jdbi.v3.core Jdbi Handle]
(defn create
(^Jdbi [^String url]
(Jdbi/create url))
(^Jdbi [^String url ^String username ^String password]
(Jdbi/create url username password)))
(defn open
^Handle [^Jdbi jdbi]
(.open jdbi))
When trying to use the lib:
alavita.core=> (def c (dao/create "jdbc:sqlite:/tmp/data.db"))
alavita.core=> (def h (dao/open c))
alavita.core=> (.execute h "show tables")
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: execute for class org.jdbi.v3.core.Handle clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (Reflector.java:53)
This is kind of weird because h definitely has .execute:
alavita.core=> (cli/all-methods h)
(.attach .begin .close .commit .createBatch .createCall .createQuery .createScript .createUpdate .execute .getConfig .getConnection .getExtensionMethod .getStatementBuilder .getTransactionIsolationLevel .inTransaction .isClosed .isInTransaction .isReadOnly .lambda$attach$3 .lambda$new$0 .lambda$useTransaction$1 .lambda$useTransaction$2 .prepareBatch .release .rollback .rollbackToSavepoint .savepoint .select .setConfig .setConfigThreadLocal .setExtensionMethod .setExtensionMethodThreadLocal .setReadOnly .setStatementBuilder .setTransactionIsolation .useTransaction)
Not sure where it goes sideways.
Types for open and create:
alavita.core=> (type (dao/create "jdbc:sqlite:/tmp/data.db"))
alavita.core=> (type (dao/open c))
Adding reflection:
alavita.core=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
alavita.core=> (.execute h "show tables")
Reflection warning, /private/var/folders/nr/g50ld9t91c555dzv91n43bg40000gn/T/form-init767780595230125901.clj:1:1 - call to method execute can't be resolved (target class is unknown).
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: execute for class org.jdbi.v3.core.Handle clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (Reflector.java:53)
As mentioned in this port, this is an issue with how Java handles var-args. You need to wrap var-args in an array first instead of relying on the var-arg behavior.
I recommend writing a Clojure function to handle this:
(defn execute [^Handle h, ^String sql, & args]
(.execute h sql (into-array Object args)))
And using that instead.