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Upload an artifact to Nexus 3 without Maven

Is should be possible to upload an artifact (WAR file) to Nexus 3 repository without using Maven?


  • EDIT:

    You have two options, first if the repository format is raw you can upload any type of file using Direct Deploy as mentioned in their docs:

    Direct Deploy

    You can do an HTTP PUT of a file into /repository/your-repo-id/path-to-file
    Using curl you can do this with:

    curl -v -u admin:admin123 --upload-file pom.xml http://localhost:8081/repository/maven-releases/org/foo/1.0/foo-1.0.pom

    The second option is in case that the repository format is maven2 and then you can upload your war file with mvn deploy:deploy-file command , for example :

    mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.somecompany -DartifactId=project -Dversion=1.0.0 -DgeneratePom=true -Dpackaging=war -DrepositoryId=nexus -Durl=your-repo-url -Dfile=example.war