Its been a few months that I am trying to learn Django. In the same process (and while reading "Two Scoops of Django 1.11"), I came across Cookiecutter Django. It has helped me learn a few important things to keep in mind while creating a project.
I tried to run the template provided by cookiecutter-django but failed. Here are the steps that I followed.
mkvirtualenv test
pip install coockiecutter
python migrate
The result was the error:
django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: role "dev" does not exist
I have also tried making a user named test_project_user and granting it all the privileges to test_project database. I am still getting the same error.
The problem seems to be that you specified a database user that does not exist (or you left blank and it assumes your system user), in:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'test_project',
'USER': 'HERE', # Set test_project_user here