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Jekyll: Reverse order lists not working in Internet Explorer

I wrote a blog post (here) using Jekyll where I use a reversed order list. So what I want is this:

10. Bla bla
9. Bla bla
8. Bla bla
1. Bla bla

I do this in Jekyll using:

layout: post
title: 'Title'

{: reversed="reversed"}

10. Bla bla
9. Bla bla
1. Bla bla

Further, in my _config.yml I've chosen Kramdown:

# Choose Markdown version
markdown: kramdown

I host the page on Github Pages.

This displays correctly on Chrome, Safari and Firefox. But on Internet Explorer (Version: 11.0.9600.18837, Update Versions: 11.0.48) it's wrong:

enter image description here

Does somebody have an idea what's going on? Or could I maybe just hardcode the bullet items as "10", "9", ...?


  • What is going on is what always happens: Internet Explorer doesn't support it.

    The reversed property is supported in all major browsers, except Internet Explorer.

    enter image description here

    I would rephrase the above like: The reversed property is supported in all major, serious, standards friendly browsers.