Hello there :) I was writing a program that uses binary search through a sorted list. it should work as follows: python find.py 3 1 2 3
the program should look for 3 in the numbers 1 2 and 3
it should return true and print found needle if it is in 1 2 and 3, if it is not in 1 2 and 3 if should return false and print did not find....
def binary_search(needle, haystack):
first = 0
last = len(haystack) - 1
itemlist = str(input(haystack))
while first <= last:
mid = (first + last) / 2
if itemlist[mid] == needle :
print("Found the needle in the haystack")
return True
elif needle < itemlist[mid]:
last = mid - 1
first = mid + 1
if not True:
print("Did not find the needle in the haystack")
return False
so I tried implementing a standard binary search algorithm, but every version I come across does not take the first number as the item you need to search for in all the following numbers to come... So my question is, how do I set the first variable as the "item" and then everything to come as a list that may or may not contain the item?
I also need to sort that list of x length, so i Tried the sorted function, but since the list can be of any length, i need to sort a variable? I got kinda stuck there.... Any tips on these topics?
is a list containing the command line arguments used to invoke the python process. sys.argv[0]
is the name of the script and sys.arv[1:]
are the remaining arguments. Access it like this:
def binary_search(needle, haystack):
print('binary_search(): needle = {}, haystack = {}'.format(needle, haystack))
# your implementation here
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
needle = sys.argv[1]
haystack = sys.argv[2:]
binary_search(needle, haystack)
print('Usage: {} needle haystack...'.format(sys.argv[0]))
If you need to sort the haystack first, use sorted()
binary_search(needle, sorted(haystack))
However, there is little point in sorting first because that has O(n log n) time complexity, whereas a linear search has only O(n) time complexity. Therefore, if the input is unsorted, it's better to just search by iterating over the list until the target is found.
Finally, you might need to convert the input to numeric values in order for the search to work. You can use int()
for that:
needle = int(sys.argv[1])
haystack = [int(s) for s in sys.argv[2:]]