I'm trying to request a bunch of data concerning hours worked from exact online using python. To do so I'm using this https://start.exactonline.nl/docs/HlpRestAPIResourcesDetails.aspx?name=ProjectTimeTransactions .
According to this list it's possible to request PriceFC,Project,ProjectCode, but I'm not able to see those (other values such as division, employee, status, etc I can retrieve).
I do this with:
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + bearer_token}
query_args = {}
result = requests.get('https://start.exactonline.nl/api/v1/' + CURRENT_DIVISION + '/project/TimeTransactions' ,
I've also tried doing so with expressly selecting PriceFC,Project,ProjectCode using:
None of these return PriceFC,Project,ProjectCode. How do I retrieve this information?
There are two TimeTransactions, one for project and one for manufactering. Mixing them up results in incomplete results.