I am trying to change the class of a dataframe column using dplyr. The name of the target column is contained in a variable
After some fiddling I managed to reach my goal using standard R subsetting:
my_df %>% transmute(colour = colour,
!!myval := as.numeric(.[,myval]))
But I suspect that there are less complex ways of referring to the target column, which is more consistent with other 'dplyr' expressions. I have tried solving this question with the information from the "Programming with dplyr" vignette, but no luck. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
We could use the sym
to convert to symbol
and then with !!
my_df %>%
transmute(colour = colour,
!!target_var := as.numeric(as.character(!!rlang::sym(target_var))))
# colour val1
#1 red 1
#2 blue 12
#3 green 13
NOTE: There the 'val1' is factor
because by default stringsAsFactors = TRUE
. So, we need to convert it to character
and then to numeric
target_var <- "val1"