I am trying to attach a bootstrap tooltip to a particular fullcalendar day-view td
element. I can get the td
element from the FC click event on that element. If I do a console.dir(thing);
then the element comes back as an object that (in chrome's js console) looks like:
# 0: td.ui-widget-content
length: 1
# __proto__: Object(0)
The #
s imply sub-objects. Ok, what I want is the "text" value of that "0" object key... I want to get the string "td.ui-widget-content".
I've tried the following:
The first yeilds the object above. The second prints
# td.ui-widget-content
Again, the #
implies a sub-object. The third prints
# (2) ["0", "length"]
and the last prints
# []
If I do console.log(thing[0])
the reault is the outter html of the DOM element.
How do I get that "td.ui-widget-content" string from the object?
will be a jquery object during the "dayClick" event.
Bootstrap tooltips, as I understand them from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/tooltips/ can be attached to jQuery objects.
dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {
this.tooltip({ title: "Hi" });
should do what you need, I think.