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How to prevent component from updating service

I am new to Angular 4 and am trying to set up a service that has some data that should not be able to be edited by any of the components it provides data to. For example, here is a simplified version of my service:

  providers: [ArgumentService]

export class ArgumentService {
  pronouns: Object[];
  constructor() {

   this.pronouns = [{'type': "1SG", 'value': 'n', "series": "I"},
                    {'type': "2SG", 'value': 'm', "series": "I"},
                    {'type': "1SG", 'value': "'y", "series": "II"},
                    {'type': "2SG", 'value': 'n', "series": "II"},
                    {'type': "1SG", 'value': "'nii'y", "series": "III"},
                    {'type': "2SG", 'value': "'niin", "series": "III"}];


    return this.pronouns


The array of objects should not change. However, the example function in the component below changes the first object in the array:

import { Sentence } from '../sentence.model'
import { VerbService, ArgumentService } from '../../services/'
import { RadioButtonComponent } from '../radio-button/radio-button.component'

  selector: 'app-sentence',
  templateUrl: './sentence.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['../../bootstrap.min.css', './sentence.component.scss', '../app.component.scss'],
  providers: [VerbService, ArgumentService]

export class SentenceComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(public verbService: VerbService, public argumentService: ArgumentService) {



    let arg = this.argumentService.getPronouns()[0]
    arg['position'] = 'S'
    console.log(this.argumentService.getPronouns()) // this gives {'type': "1SG", 'value': 'n', "series": "I", "position": "S"} when it should give {'type': "1SG", 'value': 'n', "series": "I"}

  ngOnInit() {


Maybe I am wrong in thinking that this kind of data should go in a service? Are services always supposed to update from their components? I would really appreciate any advice or guidance on this.

Thanks in advance.


  • getPronouns(){
        return => Object.assign({}, p))

    This will return not just a copy of the array but a copy of all its contents. (My previous attempt, this.pronouns.slice(), copies the array but fills it with references to the same objects)