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relay-modern FragmentContainer outside QueryRenderer

Is it possible? Can we use FragmentContainer outside a QueryRenderer? What I want to achieve: I have a RefetchContainer with a SectionList. Every item inside each section is a FragmentContainer. When I select an item from a section, I want to open a new screen where I display a FlatList of these items. The data I pass from the SectionList on item select is a list of FragmentContainer. Thus I can't see the data so I need to use fragments for it. If I use just fragments inside the FlatList I get a missing environment from the RelayFragmentContainer. So I added a QueryRenderer as parent for the FlatList where I request the same single section once again. But this makes an extra QueryRenderer request. I want to display the data from the previous screen. At least I pass this list of FragmentContainer as cacheConfig and return it from the fetchQuery method but, the json differs from the response json hence it is not raw data but already __fragments, thus the Relay cannot parse it.


  • It would be good to get some code examples in this question of what your components and fragments look like. That said, you might want to investigate using the @mask directive.

    I've taken an example from the Relay documentation and included it here:

    module.exports = createFragmentContainer(
      ({ user }) => ...,
        fragment Component_user on User {
          internUser {
            manager {
              ...Component_internUser @relay(mask: false)
            .... on Employee {
              admins {
                ...Component_internUser @relay(mask: false)
              reports {
                ...Component_internUser @relay(mask: false)
        fragment Component_internUser on InternUser {

    By using the @mask data included from a fragment will be available in the component that is hosting the fragment. Relay documentation about this is available here: