A executable file opens a file from the disk likely using CreateFileA
What I want to do is to override the call from kernel32.dll
and give the it stdin/stdout HANDLE
What I can do:
because it loads timeGetTime
from it to get timeWhen I tried to override CreateFileA call in my DLL, the compiler just don't let me compile because kernel32.dll already have its reference
winmm.cpp(56): warning C4273: 'CreateFileA': inconsistent dll linkage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\fileapi.h(122): note: see previous definition of 'CreateFileA'
Is there way to make the DLL I made to make it do that?
PS: I don't know much assembly but here is the disassembly when the program is scanning for the file I gave as parameter
You should try API hooking instead. Check out these links-