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How can I integrate complexity verification while using a PasswordBox?

I have an application that needs to have the user create a passphrase. As such, there are various rules that need to be tested against the passphrase as it's being entered.

These rules are pretty typical-- the value must be a certain length, have one upper, one lower, include some special characters, etc.

However, since this is a WPF application using a PasswordBox control, and the resulting value is very sensitive, how can I setup a complexity comparison system that dynamically checks the passphrase as the user is typing?

To be clear, I have a list of all requirements in a text label below the passphrase creation PasswordBox element. As the user types, a validator shows which requirements are met and which ones are still needed. I also have an entropy calculator which give a typical "OK, Good, Strong, Very Strong" indicator once requirements are met. This is why I need to find a way to securely validate the value as the user is typing.

How can I accomplish this without emitting insecure .Net strings?


  • You can subscribe to PasswordChanged but don't use Password property if you care about securely storing your sensetive value. Instead, do this:

    private void OnPasswordChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {            
        using (var pwd = ((PasswordBox) sender).SecurePassword) {
            int length = pwd.Length;
            if (length == 0) {
                // string empty, do something
            bool hasSpecial = false;
            bool hasUpper = false;
            bool hasLower = false;
            bool hasDigit = false;
            // etc
            // allocate unmanaged memory and copy string there
            IntPtr ptr = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(pwd);
            try {
                // each char in that string is 2 bytes, not one (it's UTF-16 string)
                for (int i = 0; i < length * 2; i += 2) {
                    // so use ReadInt16 and convert resulting "short" to char
                    var ch = Convert.ToChar(Marshal.ReadInt16(ptr + i));
                    // run your checks
                    hasSpecial |= IsSpecialChar(ch);
                    hasUpper |= Char.IsUpper(ch);
                    hasLower |= Char.IsLower(ch);
                    hasDigit |= Char.IsDigit(ch);                        
            finally {
                // don't forget to zero memory to remove password from it                    

    That way you never build .NET string during your validation, and every trace of password is cleared from memory when you finish.