I have just made the installation and Setup from Cocos2D-x V3. I create and compile the project as it says in the tutorial for Android Studio but when I try to run it it throw:
10/11 18:37:45: Launching Example
$ adb push /Users/Matias/Desktop/Example/proj.android-studio/app/build/outputs/apk/Example-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/trabajoPractico1.cococos2dx.Example
**$ adb shell pm install -r "/data/local/tmp/trabajoPractico1.cococos2dx.Example"
pkg: /data/local/tmp/trabajoPractico1.cococos2dx.Example
$ adb shell pm uninstall trabajoPractico1.cococos2dx.Example
**Unknown failure (Failure)
Error while Installing APK**
I try running it in Genymotion and AVD
Cocos2d-x now have full support for Android Studio. This answer is for Android Studio using cocos2d-x version 3.16.
After you create the project you can find the folder called "proj.android-studio" inside this folder you can find the file "gradle.properties" you will need to change this line of the code.
for this
I'm not sure why the default template is only for support armeabi. But you can edit the template just locate the folder "cpp-template-default\proj.android-studio" and edit the graddle-properties so when you create a new project it will be ready for your new projects.
Most of cocos2d-x project I guess they still uses Eclispe so in this case is more easy just change Application.mk
just replace
APP_ABI := armeabi
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86