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How to refresh images of axes of Matplotlib figure

I want to draw a 3D volume using Matplotlib, slice by slice. Mouse scroll to change the index. My program is given below:

#Mouse scroll event.
def mouse_scroll(event):
fig = event.canvas.figure
  ax = fig.axes[0]
  if event.button == 'down':

#Next slice func.
def previous_slice(ax):
  volume = ax.volume
  ax.index = (ax.index - 1) % volume.shape[0]

Figure is initialized in the main function. like:

 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 ax.volume = volume # volume is a 3D data, a 3d np array.
 ax.index = 1
 fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', mouse_scroll)

Everything worked pretty well even I don't understand what is the ax.images. However, problem occurred when I replace the ax.volume with a new volume data. It suddenly stop to render! Debug into the code, the ax.image[0] is correctly set at each event callback.

But, if change the image set_array method to Figure begins to render again. But axes imshow function is really slow comparing to the ax.images[0].set_array() method.

How can I fix this problem? really want to use set_array() method. Thank you very much.

A simple executable script is attached.


  • You need to work on the same image all the time. Best give this a name

    img = ax.imshow(volume[ax.index])

    You can then set the data for it using set_data.

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #Mouse scroll event.
    def mouse_scroll(event):
        fig = event.canvas.figure
        ax = fig.axes[0]
        if event.button == 'down':
    #Next slice func.
    def next_slice(ax):
        volume = ax.volume
        ax.index = (ax.index - 1) % volume.shape[0]
    def mouse_click(event):
        fig = event.canvas.figure
        ax = fig.axes[0]
        volume = np.random.rand(10, 10, 10)
        ax.volume = volume
        ax.index = (ax.index - 1) % volume.shape[0]              
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        volume = np.random.rand(40, 40, 40)
        ax.volume = volume # volume is a 3D data, a 3d np array.
        ax.index = 1
        img = ax.imshow(volume[ax.index])
        fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', mouse_scroll)
        fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', mouse_click)