In .NET VB and C#, we can use AndAlso (&&), OrElse (||) for logical operations
How about in Python, what is the equivalent logical operators? are they only limited to 'and' and 'or'?
Updated: Below is the difference between And/Or and AndAlso/OrElse
Quoted from
Or/And will always evaluate both1 the expressions and then return a result. They are not short-circuiting evaulation.
OrElse/AndAlso are short-circuiting. The right expression is only evaluated if the outcome cannot be determined from the evaluation of the left expression alone. (That means: OrElse will only evaluate the right expression if the left expression is false, and AndAlso will only evaluate the right expression if the left expression is true.)
Python already does this:
def foo():
print ("foo")
return True
def bar():
print ("bar")
return False
print (foo() or bar())
print ("")
print (bar() or foo())
There is no need for AndAlso or OrElse in Python, it evaluates boolean conditions lazily (docs).