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create a pdf bigger than 5080x5080?

is it possible to create a pdf that is bigger than 5080x5080?
Reportlab seems to be limited to only 5080x5080.

Here is an example:

from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

pdf = canvas.Canvas("eg.pdf", pagesize = (10000 * mm, 10000 * mm))

This code only creates a 5080x5080 pdf ...
for the project I'm currently working on I'd need bigger pdf files up to 30m (30000 * mm)

So the question is there a way around it?

I'm using Python 3.5.2 and Windows 10.


  • after a "few" hours of research i found these link

    so the problem was the reader i used
    once i switched to foxit i could see the generated file as it was intended
    so the code above is correct

    still i would like to thank you guys for the quick comments especially Bruno Lowagie