Search code examples

Unable to parse matching results in sphinx/php

How to parse below array returned by sphinx in php

php code

if ( $result === false ) {
      echo "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".\n";
  else {
      if ( $cl->GetLastWarning() ) {
          echo "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "<br>";

        if ($result['0'] > 0) {
            // print_r($result['0']['attrs']);   
            $words[] = $result['0']['matches'];
            foreach ($words as $val) {
                echo "=> " . $val['keyword'] . $val['ref'];
        } else {
                echo 'No results found';        

    [0] => Array
            [error] => 
            [warning] => 
            [status] => 0
            [fields] => Array
                    [0] => keyword
                    [1] => ref

            [attrs] => Array
                    [keyword] => 7
                    [ref] => 7

            [matches] => Array
                    [25367434949034415] => Array
                            [weight] => 1643
                            [attrs] => Array
                                    [keyword] => hunting
                                    [ref] => activity



            [total] => 1
            [total_found] => 1
            [time] => 0.000
            [words] => Array
                    [hunt] => Array
                            [docs] => 1
                            [hits] => 1




I want to parse 'matches' array and it's subarray values like keyword, ref etc.


  • Lets concentrate on this bit

        if ($result['0'] > 0) {
            $words[] = $result['0']['matches'];
            foreach ($words as $val) {
                echo "=> " . $val['keyword'] . $val['ref'];

    Firstly, the result isnt an integer, so shouldnt really be compared as one (although guess it might work)

    Personally would recommend checking the actual matches - and using empty, which works fine on arrays...

        if (!empty($result['0']['matches'])) {

    Then you for some reason add the matches to an array (thats what $arry[] = does, its effectively 'push')

    ... but also no point assigned to a variable, as only use it once (in the foreach)

    ... Plus generally the document_id is the index of the matches array, so expose that.

            foreach ($result['0']['matches'] as $doc_id => $val) {

    finally, now have the matches, want the attribute in the attors array. so something like

                $a = $val['attrs'];
                echo $doc_id." => ".$a['keyword'].", ".$a['ref']."<br>\n";

    putting it all together...

        if (!empty($result['0']['matches'])) {
            foreach ($result['0']['matches'] as $doc_id => $val) {
                $a = $val['attrs'];
                echo $doc_id." => ".$a['keyword'].", ".$a['ref']."<br>\n";