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Display Reactive form elements concurrently real-time in Angular

I am having problem figuring out how to display the form elements/values concurrently as they are being entered/inputted by the user. I wish to display them while the user is still typing and has not yet pressed the submit button.

The json pipes have allowed me to display all the elements but I cannot figure out how to display a singular element in the HTML code.

    {{commentForm.value | json}}

I can access all the elements using the above JSON pipe but want to access singular elements.

Sample Angular Reactive Form code below.

<form novalidate [formGroup]="commentForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()">
            <md-input-container class="full-width" dividerColor="{{ ? 'warn': 'primary'}}" >
                <input mdInput formControlName="author" placeholder="Name" type="text" required>

                    <span [hidden] = "!(">

            <md-input-container class="full-width" dividerColor="{{formErrors.rating ? 'warn': 'primary'}}" >
                <input mdInput formControlName="rating" placeholder="Rating" type="number" pattern="[0-5]*" required>
                    <span [hidden] = "!(formErrors.rating)">
            <md-input-container class="full-width" dividerColor="{{formErrors.comment ? 'warn': 'primary'}}" >
                <input mdInput formControlName="comment" placeholder="Your Comment" type="text" required>
                    <span [hidden] = "!(formErrors.comment)">
         <button type="submit" md-button class="background-primary text-floral-white" [disabled]="commentForm.invalid">Submit</button>            

I wish to display the author, rating and the comments individually. Is there any way to do so?


  • FormGroup is a object that contains value that is a object that contains your formControl properties

    To access invidiual values


