my sql is very simple
select ID as [Employee ID], EmpName as [Employee Name], Sal as [Salary] from Emp FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT('customers')
when i execute this sql then i am getting output in xml format. the xml output is
if u see the xml filed name then u can understand that field name is generated dynamically due to space. <Employee_x0020_ID>1</Employee_x0020_ID> this is dynamically generated but i want it should be generated like <Employee ID>1</Employee ID>. i want space should be maintain in the xml filed name. so please tell me what to do........thanks
Here is the output you are looking for that pretends to be XML. You won't even be able to cast it to XML in any parser (at least it shouldn't - it won't in SQL Server).
;with emp(ID, EmpName, Sal) as (select
1, 'tridip', 2500 union all select
2, 'ari', 4000)
select replace(convert(varchar(max),(
select ID as [Employee ID], EmpName as [Employee Name], Sal as [Salary]
from Emp
FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT('customers'))),
'_x0020_', ' ')
Output (reformatted for clarity - SQL Server returns it all on one line)
<customers><Emp><Employee ID>1</Employee ID><Employee Name>tridip
</Employee Name><Salary>2500</Salary></Emp><Emp>
<Employee ID>2</Employee ID><Employee Name>ari</Employee Name>