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Field name with space problem in case of for xml auto output

my sql is very simple

select ID as [Employee ID], EmpName as [Employee Name], Sal as [Salary] from Emp FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT('customers')

when i execute this sql then i am getting output in xml format. the xml output is


if u see the xml filed name then u can understand that field name is generated dynamically due to space. <Employee_x0020_ID>1</Employee_x0020_ID> this is dynamically generated but i want it should be generated like <Employee ID>1</Employee ID>. i want space should be maintain in the xml filed name. so please tell me what to do........thanks


  • Here is the output you are looking for that pretends to be XML. You won't even be able to cast it to XML in any parser (at least it shouldn't - it won't in SQL Server).

    ;with emp(ID, EmpName, Sal) as (select
        1, 'tridip', 2500 union all select
        2, 'ari', 4000)
    select replace(convert(varchar(max),(
        select ID as [Employee ID], EmpName as [Employee Name], Sal as [Salary] 
        from Emp 
        FOR XML AUTO, ELEMENTS, ROOT('customers'))),
        '_x0020_', ' ')

    Output (reformatted for clarity - SQL Server returns it all on one line)

    <customers><Emp><Employee ID>1</Employee ID><Employee Name>tridip
    </Employee Name><Salary>2500</Salary></Emp><Emp>
    <Employee ID>2</Employee ID><Employee Name>ari</Employee Name>