I have written a Perl script that would start a SNMP session and extracting the data/counters and it's value to a csv file. There are 7 perl scripts; different properties/definition/variables on the top.. but the engine is the same.
At this point, those 7 perl scripts are redundant except for the defined variables. Is there a way to keep the execution perl script as a properties/execution file and keep the engine in a another file? This properties/execution perl script will call the engine (using the properties defined in it's own script).
So in short, I want to use the variables in their own script (as an execution as well), but calls a specific function from a unified "engine".
retrieve_mibs1.pl retrieve_mibs2.pl retrieve_mibs3.pl retrieve_mibs4.pl retrieve_mibs5.pl retrieve_mibs6.pl retrieve_mibs7.pl
use Net::SNMP;
my @Servers = (
my $PORT = 161;
my $COMMUNITY = 'secret';
my $BASEOID = '';
my $COUNTERS = [
sub main {
my $stamp = gmtime();
my @oids = ();
foreach my $counter (@$COUNTERS) {
push @oids,("$BASEOID.$$counter[0].0");
foreach my $server (@Servers) {
print "$stamp$SEPARATOR$server";
my ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session(-version => 1,-hostname => $server,-port => $PORT,-community => $COMMUNITY);
if ($session) {
my $result = $session->get_request(-varbindlist => \@oids);
if (defined $result) {
foreach my $oid (@oids) {
print $SEPARATOR,$result->{$oid};
} else {
print STDERR "$stamp Request error: ",$session->error,"\n";
print "$SEPARATOR-1" x scalar(@oids);
} else {
print STDERR "$stamp Session error: $error\n";
print "$SEPARATOR-1" x scalar(@oids);
print "\n";
You could do it using eval: set up the variables in one file, then open the engine and eval it's content.
variables.pl (set up your variables and call the engine):
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use English '-no_match_vars';
require "engine.pl"; # so that we can call it's subs
our $VAR1 = "Hello";
our $VAR2 = "World";
print "START ENGINE:\n";
engine(); # call engine
print "DONE\n";
engine.pl (the actual working stuff):
sub engine{
print "INSIDE ENGINE\n";
print "Var1: $VAR1\n";
print "Var2: $VAR2\n";
1; # return a true value
Other alternatives would be:
and evaluate the contents of @ARGV
this module