I plan to use the sachmo-livesettings module in my django application (not using or related to satchmo). In the satchmo store the livesettings are visible on the main django-admin site. When adding livesettings to my app, though I can access them directly using a dedicated url (e.g. ../settings) I don't manage to make them visible on the main django admin site in the menu on the right side. Do you have any ideas how to include a livesettings overview on the admin site?
There is not much documentation on how to use livesettings, do you have any links to documents about satchmo-livesettings and django-admin. I'm particularly interested on how to add things on the right side (where normally the history of changed model objects is displayed).
I'm not too familiar with the satchmo specific bits, but generally the way you handle this kind of thing in Django is by overriding admin templates and creating your own /admin/ urls/views.