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How to group flex-children and show them in a different direction?

I'm new to flexbox, and I can't find a solution for my problem. I have a label, an image, an input, and an image in a paragraph. I added display:flex to my paragraph which aligns my images to the input very nicely.

<p style='display:flex'><label>

When my resolution is to small I want to center my content and put the label above my input like this:


I added flex-direction: column to my paragraph (and do some centering-stuff to my label) when my resolution is below 600px. But then everything is in a column.


Is there a way to group my images and the input, to keep them in one line?


  • Instead of change to column, use flex-wrap: wrap and give the label a width of 100%.

    Using the media query, and on narrower screens, this will make the label take full width of its parent, the p, and push the other elements to a second row, instead of stack them all vertically, as column does.

    Stack snippet

    p {
    @media (max-width: 600px) {
      p {
        flex-wrap: wrap;
      p label {
        width: 100%;