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Underline part of label in DOT (graphviz)

I want to create my class diagram with DOT and therefore I need to underline the static methods.

Currently my source is:

digraph G {                                                                
    fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                       
    fontsize = 8                                                           

    node [                                                                 
        fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
        fontsize = 10                                                      
        shape = "record"                                                   

    edge [                                                                 
        fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
        fontsize = 10                                                      

    subgraph packagemodel {                                                

        Class [                                                            
            label = "{Classname|\l\                                        
                + attribute|\l\                                            
                + staticfunction}"                                         

but I did not find out how to make a part of a label underlined. Do you know that could be made?

Thanks in advance!


I now changed it to:

digraph G {                                                                
    fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                       
    fontsize = 8                                                           

    node [                                                                 
        fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
        fontsize = 10                                                      
        shape = "record"                                                   

    edge [                                                                 
        fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
        fontsize = 10                                                      

    subgraph packagemodel {                                                

        Class [
            label =
            <<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellborder="1">             
                <td><u>+ staticfunction</u></td>  

but it is still not underlined.


  • You need to change from shape = record to shape = plain. On some systems, this shape is not available, on mine for example, then this helps:

    digraph G {                                                                
        fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                       
        fontsize = 8                                                           
        node [                                                                 
            fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
            fontsize = 10                                                      
            shape = none width=0 height=0 margin=0   // this _is_ plain                               
        edge [                                                                 
            fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"                                   
            fontsize = 10                                                      
        subgraph packagemodel {                                                
            Class [
                label =
                <<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellborder="1">             
                    <td><u>+ staticfunction</u></td>  

    This produces

    enter image description here

    including the underline.