I have defined a function using Rcpp and it runs in the current session. So I tried to use future
package to compile the same function in each worker process, but I run into the error
Error: Error 1 occurred building shared library.
Is there an easy to way to share Rcpp functions without having to build a package?
See MWE below
NumericVector test(Rcpp::NumericVector x) {
return x;
# test if compiled successful
lapply(list(1:2), test) # works
future_lapply(list(1:2), function(a) {
NumericVector test(Rcpp::NumericVector x) {
return x;
This question is really equivalent to spreading Rcpp-based functions via, say, foreach
. In short, you cannot serialize a Rcpp-based function and pass it along.
They sit at a "random" local memory point. The only reliable way is to stick them in a package and have each worker load the package. That will work.