trying to get all the content within the h2 (to get the title of the article) in the div id=firehoselist but the following code only returns the first result. Any ideas please
$crawler = new Crawler($content);
$crawler->filterXPath('//div[@id="firehoselist"]//*')->each(function (Crawler $node) use (&$results) {
$results[] = trim($node->filter('h2')->text());
content I'm trying to scrape is too messy to post here, but it is from the slashdot org website
is looking for every element which has the ID of firehoselist
and will only get the first result of this entry $node->filter('h2')->text()
What you need is to get every #firehoselist h2
of the parsed html:
$crawler->filterXPath('//div[@id="firehoselist"]//h2')->each(function (Crawler $node) use (&$results) {
$results[] = trim($node->text());