I have a simple time series dataset: df1, in format like:
Item | Date | Var
1 | 20000101 | 12
2 | 20000102 | 13
3 | 20000103 | 16
4 | 20000104 | 18
5 | 20000105 | 29
6 | 20000106 | 36
365| 20001231 | 78
My code is:
varts <- ts(df1$var, frequency=7)
comp <- decompose(varts)
fcmodel <- HoltWinters(varts)
plot(forecast(fcmodel, h=30, level=c(80,95)))
I got a simple forecast plot but the x-axis ranges from 0 to 50 instead of the date.
I would like to present the plot with real date at x-axis, which is meaningful to explain my data.
But I am lost in tons of explanation on the web, failed with every method I found.
I really appreciate if anyone could help with this question.
# generate dummy data
df1 <- data.frame(seq(1, 365, 1), seq(as.Date('2000-01-01'), as.Date('2000-12-30'), 1), round(100*runif(365), 0))
names(df1) <- c('item','date','var')
varts <- ts(df1$var, frequency=7)
comp <- decompose(varts)
fcmodel <- HoltWinters(varts)
plot(forecast(fcmodel, h=30, level=c(80,95)), xaxt='n')
axis(1, at=seq(0, 80,10) , las=2, labels=seq(as.Date('2000-01-01'), as.Date('2000-12-31')+weeks(30), length.out=9) )
The last two lines essentially copy the approach from here Replace X-axis with own values.
You can edit the labels and their locations by editing the 'at=' and 'lables=' -parameters.